
We are a network of professionals representing different countries and cultures, who share a core interest in strengthening grassroots movements. We draw on extensive experience in both the Global North and Global South.

Our network comprises a range of skills, including:

  • Social and environmental analysis
  • Gender-sensitive frameworks
  • Institutional assessment, relations and organization
  • Financial management and fiduciary arrangements
  • Business management and local economic development
  • Planning and managing local infrastructure including but not limited to housing, agriculture, health, and non-formal education -capacity and skill development -monitoring, evaluation and impact studies -communication strategy design and articulation
  • Geographic information systems
  • Disaster prevention risk reduction
  • Conflict and post conflict resolution
  • Livelihood assessment, and recovery
  • Public health prevention and treatment
  • Socially marginalized groups including youth, the elderly and ethnic minorities



WE CAN members offer expertise in:

  • Facilitation, organization and the strengthening of local, regional and global groups and networks representing a range of social movements
  • Linkages and relations with government, business and social economy entities
  • Training and cross-cultural knowledge-sharing
  • Market analysis, pre-feasibility and feasibility studies, and the development of project proposals.



Our members have led and participated in numerous programs and projects in these areas, with special emphasis on developing and transitional economies. Our experience has included work with over
100 national and local governments and directly in local communities, with the private sector and non-profit groups. Members have long academic experience and have worked with research and training institutions as well as directly with international agencies, including the UNDP, UNICEF, World Bank, Asian Development Bank, the EC, WHO, FAO and the ILO, as well as numerous bi-lateral aid agencies.